General Pathology

Definition of Internal Medicine: Specialty that is responsible for the study and treatment of any disease affecting any organ, system or apparatus. It does not cover the surgery, gynecology, orthopedics or psychiatry … Within the General Pathology have included the concepts of the etiology or study of the cause that determines the onset of the disease, the pathophysiology or the study of the pathogenic mechanisms that determine the production of the lesion, Semiology, which studies the manifestations or signs that warn about the existence of the disease and finally the Introduction to Psychology Clinic, which deals with the interpretation of these signals, signs and symptoms, also studying, both theoretically and practically, means and methods of collection or, what is the same, clinical examination and instrumental. 2. Concept of Etiology: cause that determines the onset of the disease.

We distinguish 5 major groups of diseases according to etiology. Types of cases: 1) physical, such as temperature. 2) chemical, such as poisoning. 3) biological, such as infections. 4) psychosocial, psychosomatic illnesses. 5) internal: eg the most frequent genetic causes fall into four groups: 1. Infectious (bacterial, viral or parasitic) 2.

Environmental (toxic or tails by mechanical factors) 3. Idiopathic of unknown cause or 4. activity produced by medical or iatrogenic. The latter group could be included in the first two (eg a postoperative infection or the toxic effect of a drug) but are separated by their special characteristics, frequency and importance. It also distinguishes between predisposing factors that favor-o-causal factors, which are the direct cause of the disease.