
Small tricks, healthier habits could be established almost unconsciously by which were, however, more effective. “True to the motto: who wants to change people, must make it easy you”, the scientists determined conducted behavioural tests. Attempts in Office and residential buildings, shutting down had one of several elevators or slower closing of elevator doors to the result, that more people used the stairs. Also the placement of the salad bar buffet at the forefront drew the attention away from the sweet, high-calorie desserts and toward the healthy side dish. But not only external conditions affect our decisions. It is important to detach themselves from unhealthy habits and to make room for a healthy routine. The CaloriScan Omron helps this intent.

Thanks to innovative 3D sensor technology collects and classifies the calorie counter any kind of movement and to determine the amount of calories burned exactly 24 hours a day. Go to celebrity trainer for more information. So the user sees exactly, how much the plus of daily movement affect its calorie budget a matching gift to the prevention like treatment”of the upcoming Christmas specks! Sport before breakfast with the weightloss effect keep on running with JogStyle morning sports on an empty stomach? Yes, says a study by the University of Glasgow. Therefore running training not only brings before breakfast Feelings of happiness and power for the rest of the day, but also helps to work off extra pounds. Running on empty stomach forces the body to obtain the necessary energy for the endurance first from the few remnants of the glycogen store and shortly thereafter from the fat reserves. This is the pounds quicker tumble. But runners must not overdo it: take longer than 60 minutes the morning workout on an empty stomach should not.

Early athletes are optimally equipped with the JogStyle by Omron. The small activity monitor not only reliably provide values to current and average speed, distance and duration, but measures also the calorie and fat consumption of the runner during the training sessions. Using the memory function, the user can observe his personal performance, analyze, and selectively improve. With the JogStyle, the sports start is guaranteed in the new year! Step counter, calorie counter, or activity monitor from the sporty healthy Omron Healthcare product range is found the perfect gift for Christmas for everyone. Everything for health and activity! Further information about the products and recent articles around the issues of running sports, health and calorie management are to read each week on. Company profile: With the understanding of the self for a better quality of life, OMRON Healthcare offers since nearly 80 years clinically proven, innovative medical equipment for health monitoring and therapy. The product portfolio includes blood pressure monitors, fitness monitors, electronic thermometers, inhalation devices as well as body analysis tools and medical equipment for home and professional use. The Japanese parent company OMRON healthcare is headquartered in Kyoto. The OMRON Healthcare Europe BV as a branch office for Europe, Russia, the Middle East and Africa markets customer-oriented solutions through a connected distribution network in more than 60 countries.

Dresden Tel Winter

Physiotherapy in Dresden gives tips for the 5 minutes of fitness exercise Dresden 26.03.2013: spring has begun, and even though we currently still cannot see him, he’s determined. the first rays of Sun and warm temperatures eventually at some point, in the nature, attract us the movement in the fresh air is difficult usually once for us. Sporty activities exert after the long winter, because many people are no longer accustomed to the intense movement. Quickly, one is after minimal exertion out of breath and feel debilitated. Prepare therefore already on the spring and not wait that you surpass all others while jogging,”recommends Jens Wielobinski, Naturopath in Dresden and Managing Director of the practice Wielobinski. One reason that man is difficult after the winter in the course is for example the low supply of light by the Sun. In the winter, we get less UV radiation than in the summer months, what negative effects on our mood and the physical fitness to the sequence “, the specialist of physiotherapy in Dresden said.

Then the watches, to be connected by one hour daylight saving time, the body comes messed up completely and the so-called day-night cycle must arrive back. Senator From Kentucky brings even more insight to the discussion. Also tends the man in winter to a rather one-sided diet and prefers the hearty and much it kitchen. The vitamin deficiency and to influenzal infection, the immune system is significantly weakened and must be strengthened by a vitamin and mineral nutrient rich diet again. For these reasons you should build slowly but continuously your fitness back, headaches, dizziness, or circulatory problems with increasingly warmer temperatures have no chance”, so the practitioner in Dresden. Best to start with five minutes a day. Everybody has those five minutes and you can easily integrate this short period of time in the normal running current affairs. And five minutes are just the beginning for many. Once down at the daily movement found five minutes for some are the start for a life in motion.

First and foremost, the five-minute exercises should be a motivation to move daily and to do something good for his body. This not only has a positive affect on your mood, but prevents also diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Treatments like osteopathy in Dresden must be rare in regular exercise invoked, than of people, moving little in their everyday lives. It is important that these exercises are suitable for everyday use and can be implemented without obstacles. Whether in the Office, at home or on the go in nature, we will gladly advise you in our practice for naturopathy in Dresden and show you everyday exercises that suit you. So you are ready for the spring”, finally confirmed, the Managing Director of physiotherapy of Dresden. Company Description: The practice of Wielobinski has become in Dresden as physiotherapy with a comprehensive range of Made health techniques. Range procedure in traditional physiotherapy and osteopathy in Dresden to modern health techniques, such as naturopathy and practitioner. In addition, the practice of circuit training, pain help, companies care and Spa Hotel in Dresden offers.

Athletes Exceed Their Limit

Maximum load must continually rise athletes who comply with a training plan, reach a point where they make any visible progress. You reach your limit, so to speak, and can no longer increase their endurance. The training is boring and feels too frustrated to no more successes as an athlete. Then it is time to switch to the training and work to the maximum power. By improving the power output, the muscle fibres activated and promoted the muscle again. Maximum strength is the highest power that you can consciously practice under interaction of mind and muscles. It is therefore also called psychological border force”, explains Tobias Fendt, operator of the fitness blog

Want to exercise his maximum strength, you have to go as close as possible to its limits. You can so not once lifting a maximum weight, but perform the usual daily rates with increasing weights to promote muscle growth. Repeat exercises serve this Purpose. Maximum power is used especially in Powerlifting, the so-called Powerlifting. In weightlifting, the maximum force plays a role and thus also for many other high-performance sports which have weight lifting in the training program, how about shot-putter and sprinter.

For bodybuilders of the maximum strength training advisable whenever the muscle growth is stagnating”, says fitness expert Tobias Fendt. The maximum strength training actually only resulted in a small increase in muscle, but prepare the muscles for another growth period, so fendt. The training of the maximum strength is not recommended fitness athletes training beginners should omit them if possible hands. Since it is during training the maximum force to its limit, it is all the more important that before good warming up and relaxes the muscles. Otherwise, it may cause unpleasant injuries. Incorrectly performed maximum strength training can quickly lead to health damage”, Tobias Fendt advises. False ambition has to find nothing, because if you to expect too much, risking not only injuries to muscles, tendons, and other serious accidents. The intensive training sessions require a customized length of breaks. The body must recover completely, but only until the trained muscles are not cooled. Exercises with free weights are recommended for the training, bench press, but also squats and Deadlifts. With additional weights or a training partner who pulls down, also weight exercises like pull-ups or dips to train suitable”, so Blogbetreiber Fendt. During the training to start with relatively light loads. In the following sentences, you then increase the weight continuously and places in between mehrminutige breaks. The repetition rates are falling continuously while with increasing weight. Who would like to know how such training, can learn more at… retrieve.

Athletics Equipment

The special catalogue PALIWAL by ERHARD sports Rothenburg athletics is the sport with the most disciplines. Run, jump, throw – Athletics skills are the core competencies in each sport. Therefore, the Erhard sports international sports equipment expert from Rothenburg ob der Tauber, now presents a special catalogue with Athletics equipment. The catalogue has been compiled together with PALIWAL, one of the most prestigious manufacturers of Athletics facilities worldwide. Numerous certificates of the World Athletics Federation IAAF testifies to the high quality of the PALIWAL devices. Not about PALIWAL equips regular top-events, Olympic Games as well as the World Championships. The catalogue includes – uniquely in Germany the complete assortment of PALIWAL, from the main rail about the shot up to pole vault facility.

The catalog is a must not only for athletics clubs and centres of excellence. Athletics skills are the core competencies in each sport. Therefore among the standard equipment of any sport system, from the sports field of primary school up to the Berlin Olympic Stadium, the venue of the 2009 World Championships in athletics Athletics equipment. PALIWAL devices added Erhard sports significantly its range in an important segment and underscoring its claim as a sports equipment outfitter number one in Germany. Jochen Koppl, Managing Director of Erhard sports, is pleased about the cooperation with POLANIK : Paliwal is a trademark and thus the guarantee of quality. Paliwal we have added a complete supplier of Athletics in the program and have the unique position in Germany.” ERHARD SPORT – heavily in every discipline: Erhard sport international from Rothenburg ob der Tauber is a leader in the sports equipment industry. With more than 200 employees, the 1880 family-owned company manufactures sports equipment for the worldwide market. With a range of over 12,000 articles Erhard is a sport the market leader Industry.

In particular, the planning and equipment for sports halls and sports facilities all over the world is one of the core competencies of the company. International major events such as World Championships and the Olympic Games are regularly equipped sport by Erhard. Contact / contact: Erhard sports International GmbH & co. KG Rainer Lederer – marketing/PR of upper Kaiserweg of 8, 91541 Rothenburg o.d.T. phone: 09861 406-850 fax: 09861 406 98185 E-Mail: Internet:

Soy Protein

Soy protein is ideal for people who want to live without animal protein. Soy protein is an organic vegetable protein that is derived from the soy plant. It is characterized by the fact that the contains all eight amino acids that the human body needs to live. Soy protein offers a complex mixture of active ingredient of for athletes. On the one hand, soy protein is highly enriched with phytochemicals, such as for example saponin, which supports the formation of testosterone. On the other hand, soy protein is cholesterol free and low in fat.

Another advantage for athletes is that the proportion of glutamine in the soy protein is 16%. This almost more than in regular whey protein so much glutamine as in casein, definitely clear. Glutamine is conducive to the growth and building muscle, therefore it is extremely important to periodically recycle glutamine the body. The same applies to arginine, which is available to 7.6% in the soy protein. Soy protein is divided into three different categories.

Soy protein isolate is used mainly in the production of meat substitute. It is extremely resistant and contains up to 90% of soy protein. Soy protein concentrate contains no water soluble carbohydrates, but has a soy protein content of up to 70%. Ultimately, there are still texturized soy protein which is used primarily as a meat substitute. This 70% are also included soy proteins. Mainly the so-called soy protein isolate is used in the sporting field. This is because it has a very high biological value, and is also free from grease. Total soy protein provides an excellent alternative to regular proteins. Soy protein is the only alternative in lactose intolerant athletes often get concentrated protein. There are also the advantages such as the Fettfreiheit and cholesterol freedom not to despise. Continue to the soy protein also extraordinarily good results regarding muscle growth. In any case, soy protein helps a healthy and balanced diet.

Protein Drink

Protein drinks support not only the muscle, but the protein drink provides energy, vitamins and minerals for high performance athletes. Protein drinks are beverages that have a greatly increased rate of protein compared to traditional drinks. You have proven area in the bodybuilding and the sport for a long time. Proteins are indispensable for the targeted muscle. The muscle mass is made of them in the body. Already many proteins are absorbed by the daily food. This is not enough but regularly steerable. Therefore, high performance athletes through the targeted use of additional proteins can increase their efficiency and their muscle.

The protein drink can support extremely ambitious athletes here. Usually drinks are made from a powder, which is dissolved in milk protein. Then the athletes can take the drink to replenish the protein storage. The Taking protein before exercising can reduce muscle breakdown by the altered metabolism. The intake of protein during exercise has a positive impact on the performance of the athlete, while the intake of protein is after training or competition to fill the emptied stores of protein. Protein drinks are fortified regularly not only with the proteins, but also with other valuable nutrients that enhance the performance of the athlete. When taking protein drinks should be sure that drinks with high quality proteins ingested mainly protein.

High-quality proteins are for example whey protein (whey protein) or even more component proteins. Can get it depending on the composition of the protein more slowly or faster in the nutrient cycle of the athlete. Still, it should be taken that the proteins get almost completely in the muscle cell. Regularly contained protein drink s still carbohydrates, fats, minerals and vitamins. Drinks protein thus contain a variety of nutrients that are important for a healthy diet. Some protein drinks are to encourage even capable of reducing fat in the body. This is achieved by, that this protein are persistently filling drinks long. Reducing body fat by taking protein drinks is thus possible. Protein drinks are available in many flavors and should be used in particular by athletes who are intent on building muscle mass.

Body Nutrition

News from the fitness hotline GmbH of the best body nutrition athlete Frank Trtschka has cracked on March 17 in the Plauen colonnades equal 2 records: Ergometer 100 h without sleep and continue Ergometer 200 h on the piece. His place in the Guinness Book of world records is it safe: Frank Trtschka has last Wednesday equal to 2 best brands on the Ergometer he rides: take 100 hours without sleep and 200 hours at a time. The old record in duration cycling was 192 hours. He was raised by the Swiss Mehrzad Shirvani, the Frank Trtschka helped his world record attempt in Plauen. The skydiver was allowed to pause each only 5 minutes per hour and had to comply with at least a speed of 20 km/h.

Many regional clubs and sports enthusiasts took part and went with for a good purpose in addition to Frank Trtschka. Via a live stream, you could follow at any time with the current intermediate results on the Internet. What did Frank Trtschka is a huge athletic and mental performance. Meanwhile the characters were however not so well, that he the world record cracks: health problems occurred, the Achilles tendon was inflamed, his legs swollen and he had knee problems. Thanks to the medical care, these problems were but get in the handle, so that ultimately over 4,000 miles on the odometer”, as Frank Martin von Best body nutrition. Frank Trtschka relied on our best body nutrition kick speed energy drinks. Our premium pro protein shakes also providing liquid protein, which has significantly helped to maintain its protein budget. “We congratulate Frank Trtschka on this outstanding athletic performance and also thank all those who have helped him to achieve his goal: the Medfachschule Bad Elster, power sport friend Stockigt, Intersport Hopfmann, seat Autohaus Plauen, Winforce, and last but not least, his personal Manager Heiko Gross, which backed him all the time.” Learn more about the best brand body are nutrition on the Internet at available.

All nutritional supplements best body nutrition are under more about available. Additional press materials of this press release: download another quick and easy image and text material in the online press compartment to free use: press compartments/fitnesshotline contact for questions regarding this press release: Frank Martin fitness hotline GmbH Industriegebiet West Beethovenstrasse 9 D-08209 Auerbach phone: + 49 (0) 3744 21 34 00 fax: + 49 (0) 3744 224 99 40 E-Mail: Internet:, Marko Homann, Holger Ballwanz PR agency PR4YOU Schonensche Strasse 43 D-13189 Berlin phone: + 49 (0) 30 43 73 43 43 fax: + 49 (0) 30 44 67 73 99 E-Mail: Internet: about the fitness hotline GmbH the fitness hotline GmbH, headquartered in the Saxon Auerbach, is one of the world’s leading German distributors of Sporternahrungs and offers a comprehensive range of high-quality sports supplements, fitness facilities and equipment for fitness facilities. All Sports supplements by independent laboratory analysis always check on their ingredients and sales ability and are subject to the strict conditions of dietary food regulation in Germany and Europe.

JLU Giessen Sports

Under the motto “New partners, new strengths!” will in the future the Department of sports medicine of the Justus-Liebig-University of Giessen the Internet portal “” contribute. Under, athletes, especially du and triathletes have to interact in a forum about training & competition possible. Furthermore, recent articles and information on the topics of “Training”, “Sports medicine” and “Food” available are in the service sector. In particular in the field of sports medicine and the training support of athletes, the Department of sports medicine of the JLU Giessen sees their strengths. “Through cooperation we expect the University of Giessen and our Internet portal, to be able to offer an optimal service to our members. “Tips & tricks from professionals what you want more?” said Christoph Schneider and Mathias Jung, founder of Future cooperation should restrict not only on the content management by

“The long-term planning of cooperation with includes among other things the implementation of common projects.”said Mr. Prof. Dr. med. Frank Moors, head of the Department of sports medicine. More it did not betray first but still. “Anticipation is the most beautiful joy!” said Mr Schneider. It will be so curious what will bring about this new partnership.


That in krea-genic contained active ingredient transport system allows that creatine can get faster and more directly in the stressed muscle cells while the answer so easy: it is a protected brand, which is equipped for some time with a new Doppellpuffer system. The active ingredient of transport contained in krea-genic system, that creatine can get faster and more directly in the stressed muscle cells.This system is called also shot booster. The effect of this new compilation is a higher muscle pump and a plump sensation in the muscle cell. A significantly higher amount of carbohydrates is usually needed for such plump appearance of muscles. Use this for example bodybuilder in competition preparation. The new krea-genic cannot alone bring this increased muscle volume in conjunction with intensive training. There are other benefits: firstly, no essential body fat is broken down, secondly, this new product is optimally absorbed by the body, and third is hardly more creatine in unerwuncshtes converted to creatinine. “The new system of creatine is double buffered” system and causes that the absorbed creatine in the stomach and in the blood remains stable and has not just breaks down into creatinine.

This enables a nearly lossless recording in the muscles. This quick and low-loss transport way is made possible by the sodium-dependent transport mechanism. With the old Creatine monohydrate strength athletes had to take out a significantly higher amount of creatine, because some of the recorded material in the stomach, as well as in the blood was decomposed at an early stage. The new double buffer is now prevented this negative effect to a minimum. Thus, the important creatine gets released now almost entirely in the muscle cell.

Any side effects are almost completely prevented the new krea-genic. The much lower amount of fed creatine for example alone reduces the suspended look. The trained muscle mass remain stranded however as desired and voluminous. Krea-genic is the newest one Muscle building supplements products. Besides muscle protein krea-genic is regarded as one of the best-selling products in the fitness shop of professional fitness.

Christmas Outdoor Products

Month of action outdoor broker – outdoor products at an unbeatable price perfect Christmas: throughout December actions take place in Germany’s first and only live-shop for outdoor sporting events daily, where outdoor enthusiasts can either win their gifts or buy at an unbeatable price. The live-shop principle: Every day there is a product by up to 50% on outdoor reduced. The deals change daily. To the daily surprise offers a 100 litre trolley bag, a thermal windproof jacket, functional Midlayer, or ski gloves (all with 40 to 50 percent price advantage) prize competitions and actions come in the month of Christmas. Until Christmas Eve, the outdoor broker daily Raffles a freeride helmet by Neil. The sure is safe action there this helmet broker price over two days in December for all to the unbeatable outdoor.

The next day, it follows on the eye action, in which there is sensationally cheap the matching Briko goggles the helmet. Who wants to miss any of the actions, subscribed to the newsletter of the shop easily. Full new the coupon feature, with which you can now also give the outdoor broker is in the live store. 10 euros, here we go. From then on, the amount can be chosen freely. The perfect Christmas gift for the outdoor sportsman. There is detailed information on the actions, as well as the gift vouchers on the, This press release with all links and photos you will find also at: