Stuttering (logoneurosis )

Stammering – a spasmodic speech disorder. If there are no violations ogonevroze vocal apparatus: the vocal cords, lips, tongue, etc. The cause of the disease – vnesoglasovannosti between control system and speech recheproizvodyaschim apparatus. Tiffany Espensen shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. It starts with a childhood illness most often with fear, is a nervous breakdown, which is characterized by the functional (not organic) disorders in the part of the brain that is responsible for speech. Development logoneurosis contribute to injuries occurring heavy infection, endocrine disorders, etc. Considerable importance is the context in which the child is too strict, oppressive, overwhelming personality education, which makes the child insecure; unhappiness in the family squabbles and fights between the parents of family breakdown … Taken to distinguish between two forms of logoneurosis: This has been a repetition of syllables and kakogoto with convulsive hesitation pronouncing the first letter of the word. The child at the time of stuttering tense – especially stressful person, in addition, he seems to be trying to help themselves involuntary limb movements.

If a child is upset or chemto scared that stuttering is enhanced to the extent that the child loses the opportunity to speak at all. Suffer from stuttering mainly children under ten years. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Tai chi. Treatment – a speech therapist and psychotherapist. Of course, should be eliminated or minimized factors that trigger stuttering. A speech therapist helps the child develop a smoother style of measured speech therapist educates the necessary self-confidence. The causes of the disease. Sleznonosovoy duct connects the so-called lacrimal sac, located under the skin of the inner corner of eye and nasal cavity – the channel is opened under the inferior turbinate.

Blockage sleznonosovogo duct is more common in children whose duct is narrower than other children. It can be plugged with mucus that had accumulated run-flat epithelial cells, pus – inflammatory changes in the walls of the duct, small foreign body, etc. Clinical manifestations. The primary symptom of blockage in the flow is constant sleznonosovogo watering, because the duct due to blockage can not perform its function – to give the eyes from excessive amounts of tear fluid. In addition, the child may feel some discomfort in the area sleznonosovogo duct, may be a slight sensation of pressure in this area. The general condition is not affected. Treatment. Of course, it is best not hesitate to seek help from a specialist (an optometrist). But if for reasons kakimto quickly get to the doctor fails, you can do koechto and independently. But first, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and brush to prepare a sterile towel., then my mother gently, without effort, pushes the index finger on nizhneeveko – closer to the inner corner of eye. At the same time drawing attention to the lacrimal papilla in the inner corner of eyes at the top of the reaction has a very small hole. It is not excluded that when you click on the lower lid from the hole in the mound stand out a drop of mucus or pus. In this case the mother may consider carrying out a successful procedure, and it remains just gently remove mucus or pus cloth and then wash the child's eyes with warm boiled water, or fresh solution furatsilina or broth chamomile flowers, or weakly brewed black tea baikhovi. Such pressing with subsequent removal of secretions and washing recommended trichetyre times a day. So sleznonosovoy duct gradually cleared. Usually within a few days the flow function is restored. But if this did not happen in a week, without consulting an ophthalmologist is necessary.

New Orleans Race Lane

Men who fought with excess weight, often had to conceal their problems. But now more and more men are willing to discuss the problem of losing weight, dieting and feelings that accompany this whole difficult process getting rid of fat. Back in 1999 Michael Hirshorn released a series of articles in which he admitted that the overweight throughout his life. The fact that while many men are shy in TV programs on weight loss to tell about his "struggle" was a common practice. Now, more and more men are talking about this issue that unites men and women speak openly, and even eloquently: the television programs, books, newspaper articles, and, of course, numerous blogs. There are special TV programs about weight loss, targeted at male audience. Five years ago, NutriSystem brand presented to the viewers cycle transmission, which, in particular, expose typically "male" products: burgers, pizza, roast beef.

At the head of this "teledvizheniya" arose such a macho, football player Dan Marino as the announcer Chris Berman, ESPN, Jason Alexander and others. It appeared the male analogue of the "Weight Watchers (Weight Watchers), which debuted in 2007. Some see these events, cultural change, addition and extension of the term "metrosexual." Representatives of mass media admit that on releasing male weight loss information product is now much easier than 5-6 years ago, because men are seriously thinking about their health, understand the problem of excess weight, and without fear of condemnation. Men are allowed to wear a few extra pounds, and they ignore all sorts of diets, even when the stomach is called, begins to droop. And this is normal! More. In the example is the story of a 30-year writer from New Orleans Race Lane, who's blog tells his life after weight loss. This is truly a hero has gone from 350 to 180 pounds, and holds this level since 2006. "After I lost weight, I felt terribly alone …

There was a lot of alienation … and generally it's so feminine theme that this embarrassing to say. " Oh, Ras – not the friends you choose. Of course, we can say that people are driven envy, prejudice, and the like as strange to see a man who will meticulously count how many carrots he eats for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and then another and talking about it. However, health care still equivalent for both sexes. Fortunately, this members understand the aforementioned club "Weight Watchers". Karen Miller-Kovach, senior fellow at the portal, said the growth was a male audience. And this is an active audience, men attend meetings of the society, share their discoveries and achievements, and feel free to do so.

Silicone Foot Orthoses

Silicone earbuds for the treatment of corns and bone in the foot. To eliminate the pathological symptoms of the foot and reduce the discomfort of diseases there is a very large number of various devices that can be purchased in specialized shops, stores or pharmacies. The seemingly complex variety of products for the foot has its own classification, which allows to freely navigate the a wide range of products. Orthotics insoles-complete. The size of the insole exactly match the size of the foot and completely covers all of its divisions. The most commonly used in closed shoes, which allows place the soles so that they remain invisible. Orthopedic polustelki.

Size is smaller than the soles of the foot. As a rule, have a length polustelki about three-quarters the length of the foot. This type of orthopedic products widely used in the narrow model, open shoes, since foot polustelki completely closed, which makes them invisible to others. In-pelota. Products designed to support a certain area of the foot (Longitudinal arch, transverse arch, the base of the fingers). They are used for unloading of the foot, produced less than half the length of the foot. Applied in an isolated pathology of the foot, to wear open shoes. Heel.

Products for the relief of heel area. Most often repeats the shape of heel size heel. To treat corns and seed at the foot of the whole range of orthopedic products of greatest interest are in-ear pelota and heel, which help to deal effectively with the above-described problems of the foot. Currently, the prevention of foot problems are widespread and silicone gel products. Silicon – a kind of special rubber, which has high elastic properties, sufficient wear resistance and inertia in relation to the skin and its secretions. The composition of silicon in its production can be enter up to 15% mineral oil, which helps fight skin roughness and callosity during application of products.

Fiber For Health

Almost all the people heard, of course, the phrase 'hard food' or 'fiber'. Did you know that fiber is the simplest, yet most powerful tool in the battle against aging? And who does not want to preserve youth and beauty for years to come? What is it like to fiber? It's kind of a complex mixture of indigestible substances, which is part of the plant. There is almost no calories, in consequence of that person's body gets very little food energy. Going through the digestive system, fiber is not split, but on the contrary, works wonders to remove from our body harmful substances such as cholesterol, toxins, bile acids, etc. Get all the facts and insights with Charles Margulis, another great source of information. In other words, Fiber literally cleans us from within.

On the big benefits of fiber Much has been written. If desired, material can be found. Let us recall only some of its dignity. Thus, the tissue: – protects the body from cardiovascular disease – lowers blood pressure by reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes – dilutes the concentration of bile acids and other carcinogens, which in large quantities can lead to cancer Colon – helps cope with diabetes, controlling blood sugar levels and reducing the need for a patient in insulin – lowers estrogen levels in women, lowering the risk of breast cancer – a swell the stomach and increases the amount of food eaten, giving the illusion of fullness, which significantly facilitates the process of getting rid of excess weight and helps to lose weight quickly – helping to combat constipation, relieve the suffering of unbelievable patients with this disease.


Now what do with all that? Likewise, and I thought, when I was searching for an intuitive way to victory over the habit. You, fortunately, the situation is much simpler, you do not have to wander in the dark, my experience will help you move forward. In our inner world, for the romantics fortunately for fans of exact sciences, unfortunately, almost impossible to "weigh in grams," or that feeling, or that emotion. And accordingly, I can not offer you a measurement unit for determining the weight of your stereotypes that support your habit. But as any owner can determine the degree of anger of their pet or the degree of importance for him personally some things, so I think any person can identify and "weight" of the stereotype. I find it necessary to remind anyone that the "weight" or charge a stereotype defined by the force of sensations and emotions, have arisen or arise, you in the process of stereotype. The stronger the emotions and feelings, the more "weight" (the charge) stereotype. And the harder it is to neutralize, and correspondingly more difficult to get rid of habit, supported by the data of the stereotype.

But difficult does not mean it is not possible. Well, what do you all remember, respect your habit, and therefore you have decided on a system of stereotypes, which support it. You are quite clearly defined "weight" of your stereotypes. Excellent. Now we can proceed. BUT only one can cause frustration in the proposed method, especially for people eager to action.


Aromatherapy Ways to achieve beauty in modern cosmetology huge set. Some of them have long been used in the world, yet some are new. Relatively new (or rather, there is little known in our country) is a method of aromatherapy. The influence of odors on the human body has long been known but careful study of the mechanisms by which odors exert some action on the human body, started recently. Aromatherapy has appeared in Europe at the end of the last century, but we still have to practice has not penetrated. However, some progressive cosmetic clinic began practicing aromatherapy, and she liking customers.

Aromatherapy takes roots in ancient times, because the ability to use smells in the therapeutic and relaxing to be mastered by people in ancient times. In virtually all cultures around the world have long found application use different aromatic oils. Placed on a scientific basis, the use of scents has to bring amazing results. Aromatherapy has been used successfully for removal stress and tension, improve mood and vitality. Chemical peels order to return healthy and youthful skin appearance, there are many techniques. Chemical peels – a procedure using weak acids and other active agents designed to remove the top, dead layer of skin cells.

Chemical peels can be used as a selective areas of the skin (such as facial skin, the area around the eyes, forehead, areas around the lips) and the more extensive areas. Chemical peels can improve skin texture as a person, that is, in some cases even become a good alternative to surgical intervention. The advantages of this method of cosmetology on his experience felt thousands of people, maybe you should try too. In an age when the environment is poor, life is stressful, this problem as cellulite, there is even in young girls. Cellulite has been proven, it is a disease of stress and malnutrition, but get rid of it by simply changing the order of the day and sat on a diet is impossible. For the treatment of cellulite, there are many more or less effective methods. Anti-cellulite massage cellulite massage – is as manual as well as hardware. Experts believe that both he and the other type of massage has its advantages. Cellulite massage restores blood flow to the affected cellulite areas of the skin. Of course, anti-cellulite massage can not guarantee complete cure of cellulite – it depends on the stage of disease and individual characteristics patient's skin. However, in combination with other treatments, cellulite massage may well help you forget about the "orange peel"

Health Benefits of Prunes

Prunes rinse and scald with boiling water to soften, then cut into small pieces. Grind kernels. Jim Hackett is a great source of information. Cereal mixed with nuts and dried plums, cover with boiling water, add salt and simmer, covered on low heat for 20-30 minutes. Serve porridge hot, with cream or sour cream. Krupennikov of buckwheat and cottage cheese will need: 2 cups buckwheat groats 2 cups milk, 1 cup of water, 400 g semi-skimmed cheese, 100 g butter, 2 eggs, 4 tbsp. tablespoons sugar, 1 tbsp. teaspoon lemon zest, of Art.

tablespoons of cinnamon, 3 tbsp. tablespoons breadcrumbs. Toast the buckwheat in a dry pan, vsypte in boiling water, add salt, add a little oil and cook over low heat until grains swell, and then top up with milk. When the porridge becomes thick, cool it. Mix cottage cheese with egg, sugar, spices and mix with cereal.

Form lubricate oil, sprinkle with breadcrumbs, fill prepared by mass, from top to put the pieces of butter. Bake in the oven. Mush Smolensk need: 1.5 cups slipped (small buckwheat groats), 4 cups water, 2 onions, 2 pcs. root parsnip, parsley to taste, tsp black pepper, cup sour cream 2 tbsp. tablespoons butter or ghee, 1 tsp salt. Boil water, add salt, put a whole onion, finely chopped parsnip roots and boil for 5 minutes. Then pour in the water grits and simmer, stirring occasionally, until grits cooking. After that, remove the bulb, remove the pulp from the heat, season with pepper, parsley, sour cream, butter, and let stand dosolite under cover for 15 minutes to steaming. Buckwheat porridge downy need: 2 cups buckwheat Unground, 2 eggs, 4.5 cups milk, 3 tbsp. tablespoons butter, 2 cups of cream. Unground loop through, deselect from the flour dust (but do not wash), grind with the beaten eggs, Spread on a baking sheet and dry in a pre-heated, but with the fire off the oven. Then pour the milk, season with butter, and cook as usual buckwheat. When she is ready, add salt to taste, let cool, then rub through a colander and serve with cream. Buckwheat porridge with milk and cauliflower need: 200 grams cauliflower, 1 cup buckwheat groats, 2 tbsp. tablespoons butter 2 cups milk or water rinse cauliflower, divide into florets and chop finely. Place the cabbage on the bottom of the dish. On top Put washed buckwheat, pour in the milk (or water), add salt, bring all to a boil and simmer for 5-6 minutes. Then close the pan lid on top – with a towel and leave without heat for 10-15 minutes. Serve with butter. Buckwheat with kefir will need: 2 cups buckwheat groats (Unground), 2.5 cups water, 2 tbsp. butter, 1.5 cups of yogurt, vanilla and salt to taste. Cook the buckwheat. Kefir is a little warm up, then add the honey, vanilla, and mix. Serve porridge, watering yogurt.


Infinite stress, fatigue, lack of cleanliness and air fumes … How to keep your inner balance and visual appeal? On the miraculous effect of water on the human body became known in ancient Rome. Then came the notion of Sanus per Aquam-health through water", or very common, more recently, an acronym SPA. SPA-resorts, SPA-Hotels, SPA-procedures, Spa-Cosmetics … Now almost every beauty salon, clinic, each offering Services SPA-complex procedures aimed at improving the health and general well-being, preserve youth and beauty. Our studio aromadizayna "Kem Club" was launched in 2005, tells Anna Juraev. Originally Our main focus was the aromatization of restaurants and cafes, boutiques and supermarkets, bowling clubs and entertainment centers.

Pursuing direct aromatization of business, creating aromatherapy gifts, aromapoligrafiyu, we began to think about the atmosphere that surrounds our home and the workplace. Most often, this is a stuffy room, the air filled with dust, in which thousands of viruses and bacteria? So it's decision to create atmosphere of purity and freshness – a wonderful atmosphere SPA-office, apartment and home. And with this task excellently Breeze system – is a unique equipment for the ionization purification and humidification. Breeze has both anti-bacterial, so neutralizing odor and flavoring properties. This allows you to control the atmosphere in any room, commented Anna Dzhurayev, Head of Sales Studio aromadizayna Kemah Club.

At the moment we offer our clients the essential oils such as spruce, fir, tangerine, orange, lemon, grapefruit, cinnamon, patchouli, peppermint, tea tree, almond. Also trying to update assortment of flavors each month. By adding a Breeze just a few drops of natural essential oils can relieve tension and stress, focus, alertness, or put to sleep institute. With regular Brisa use the body becomes more resistant to many viruses and pathogens, our customers do notice, as improving their health and mood!


Glaucoma is classified. 1. By origin: primary glaucoma – associated with the violation of the drainage system of the eye, and as a consequence of the deterioration of intraocular fluid, secondary glaucoma, which occurs as a result of other eye diseases (inflammation, cataracts, diabetic changes, thrombosis, trauma, tumors, etc.) or after eye operations; congenital glaucoma coinfection associated with other congenital anomalies. 2. By Age patient. 3.

On the mechanism of increased intraocular pressure (open, closure). 4. The level of intraocular pressure – with a high IOP (intraocular pressure) – with normal IOP. 5. According to the degree lesions of the optic nerve (initial, development, an advanced and terminal). 6. As of the disease – stabilized and unstabilized. Established a genetic predisposition to glaucoma.

If someone of your blood relatives suffered from glaucoma or sick, you're at increased risk. There are risk factors that influence the emergence and progression of glaucoma process. Secrete local factors – myopic refraction (nearsightedness) and general – over the age of 60-65 years, heredity, diabetes, hypotension, thyroid disease, and others of great importance in the diagnosis of glaucoma is IOP. (For more on glaucoma and other eye diseases, please visit) value is determined by the balance of inflow and outflow of intraocular fluid outflow in glaucoma is violated, the excess moisture remains in the eye, and pressure increases. The path of intraocular fluid in IOP is not uniform and constant for different age groups, with different refraction (myopia or hyperopia), and also depends on the constitutional features of the person (gender, physique, temperament, etc.

Japanese Iodine

Iodophobia led to a huge number of chronic and chronic diseases that modern medicine can not cope. The tragedy of mankind appears a healthy nation of Japanese do not know any iodine deficiency, nor iodophobia. Japan – a country where the lowest infant mortality rate, the lowest level of cancer. Japanese hardly obese (except sumo wrestlers), hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes and other diseases that we used to take mandatory attributes of our lives. The Japanese, in spite of the strictest international standards of WHO, fearlessly, with his characteristic calm to the nation, iodine consumed in sufficient quantity in their eyes and continue to amaze the world with their scientific achievements. A prominent American scientist James Hauenstin as no one really defined the truth of the Japanese miracle, saying that the most major Japanese miracle is not to their phenomenal technological advances, and the simple everyday consumption of iodine in the usual doses of 13.8 mg. How did it happen and, more importantly, who and for what brought mankind into thinking that iodine which is also vital as clean air and water, defamed and put almost an enemy of all mankind.

Who are the people who sit in Bose, the Ministry of Health around the world and hard to ascribe to us the standards of "white chemistry" instead of pure iodine. It is absolutely clear that the health of the nations of the measures taken to limit the iodine is not improving. What can stop them? That can, for example, to stop the pandemic of chronic viral hepatitis? Apparently once the standard imposed in the interests of big pharmaceutical companies. Maybe it really is a conspiracy against humanity, the extent of which can only be assumed, and if it direct destruction, the objectives are clear. World population is huge and it is global issues. However, the solution of global human problems does not give anyone the right to direct destruction of the people themselves. We're not trying to prove anything, we want to understand. We would like the reader to Join us in thinking about the amazing properties of iodine.