Personal Trainers

Remembering that orientation is not to prescribe one diet, the orientation must be carried through preferential by a Personal to trainer that it has a specialization in esportiva nutrition. The alimentary lapsing must be carried through by a professional nutritionist. A personal accompaniment with professionals to trainer and nutritionist is the correct, safe and efficient way to reach the success. TABLE 3 Application of the Questionnaire on Promptitude for Atividade Fsica (PAR-Q). The physical evaluation must all precede and any type of program of physical exercises.

It is of basic importance and it does not exist program of physical exercises serious, without this initial part. It is essential, not only so that possible problems of health of general order are verified, as well as, to verify the evolution of the individual in the after-test. In the current research we find 89% apply and 11% do not apply questionnaire PAR-Q. The PAR-Q is the Questionnaire of Promptitude for Physical Activity. This questionnaire is guaranteed by several scientific institutions between them the American College of Medicina Desportiva (ACMS) and for the Brazilian Society of Cardiologia (SBC). It is an attempt to diagnosis possible problems that hinder the evaluated one to practise physical activities of low and average intensity.

In accordance with the theory of this questionnaire, if only one of the questions will be answered with one YES is recommended that the evaluated one makes one medical consultation before the beginning of the esportiva activity Moura (2008). TABLE 4 Possui formation in superior course physical education. TABLE 5 Possui Course of broad After-Graduation Specialization sensu. TABLE 6 Possui Course of After-Graduation Specialization stricto sensu. Robinsen (2006) that to be a personal trainer, it is not enough to have only the graduation, but also a specialization to prescribe the treinos. The National Strength and Conditioning Association (2002) suggests that personal trainers must have licensing requirements, as the degree of bachelor in science of exercise and of certification for an organism whose criteria are extensive and widely accepted, before being authorized to exert its craft.


The biggest concentration of glycogen meets stored in the muscle and understands about 300g 400g, since the esqueltica musculatura represents the component greater of corporal composition (WOLINSKY & HICKSON, 2002). STRATEGICAL OF USE OF CARBOIDRATOS IN TESTS OF DEEP. As the carboidrato is the first power plant for corridors of long distance, the athlete must eat adequate amounts of carboidratos per day. The corridor that consumes appropriate amounts of carboidratos will be capable to keep the sanguineous glucose, to use little protein and to keep one high percentage of maximum effort. On the other hand, the corridor that consumes inadequate amounts of carboidratos will present minors plasmtica glucose levels, increase of the use of the protein that will take the biggest proteinic loss and will have a decline of the maximum effort. Ingestion of carboidratos Daily pay-exercise According to WOLINSKY & HICKSON (2002) is important the supply of a diet with high text of carboidratos to get an increase of glycogen in the days that precede the competitions and exhausting training of resistance. The ingestion of carboidratos before the exercise has for objective to increase the content of both heptico the muscular glycogen/and favoring of glucose in the blood (BACURAU, 2000).

The high consumption of carboidratos becomes related it the increase of the oxidativa tax, during the resistance exercises (DMASO, 2001). In elite athlete, according to WOLINSKY & HICKSON (2002) the consumption of carboidratos must vary entre65 a75% of the daily ingestion to get a good performance. However, the ingestion of carboidratos before the trainings or competition is very controversial subject in the scientific way. Some authors describe that the ingestion of carboidrato in the period of 15 minutes to the 1 hour before the exercise or competition can take the athlete has to have hiperglicemia. However, the rise of the sanguineous glucose and the insulina and its fluctuations during the exercise can not affect the performance adversely and, in contrast, it can really improve the income for the ingestion of carboidratos in the daily pay-exercise.

Athletical Association

The judge interrupted the departure, titular players and reserves, beyond the massagistas, all ran behind. Later, to change a little, they had started to free a duck, that gave to flights consagradores in High Cross stadiums, Iju, Pellets, Are Leopoldo, Step Fundo and Porto Alegre, where normally he was well received. Very creative, the twisted one wanted more newness. Then, certain time, had planned to launch the duck of an airplane. Of parachute.

They had made until a band would follow that it in this historical landing: ‘ ‘ congratulations, duck paraquedista’ ‘. That the Aeronautics did not only authorize the mirabolante plan and it was untied to the traditional way exactly. Source: CERETTA, Lino. Sport Guarany Club: a history of 94 years. High cross: ed. of the author, 2007. P. 127-8.

Broken cool fish of amateur soccer, between the River Cricket and Associao Atltica (RCAA) and the Flamenguinho de Cantagalo, in the headquarters of the RCAA, Niteri. In determined moment, during an attack of the RCAA, the lateral-left of the visiting teams it cried out: ‘ ‘ A fish in my head fell! ‘ ‘ The zagueiro-central office asked if he was a fish-flyer: not, it was a simple sardine. But as, if the field is to one two kilometers of waters of the bay of the Guanabara? The players had looked at for the sky and turn a gull or mergulho sobrevoando the place, as that thinking about recouping the canine tooth that left to fall. In they go, because the sardine duly was tempered, fries and devorada for the awardees players.

Alcohol Consumption

Without a doubt the transit in Brazil, which had to the use of the alcohol already arrived the data that worry very, not only the authorities, but also to all society, and the consumption levels do not stop to grow, as National Survey of the Standards of Alcohol Consumption was divulged in the I in the Brazilian Population, in 2007, where 28% of the adult Brazilian population had consumed drunk alcoholic in excess at least a time in last the 12 months. I believe that the weakness of the familiar structure with passing of the times, the loss of important values as the union, the respect for oldest, to the religiosidade, the lack of support to the education, the emphasis in the freedom in detriment of the duties of each citizen, can have among others been the propeller spring of the barbarity that we are testifying in this time, through the violence in the transit, the seio of the families. An interesting research in Australia, interviewing 8,256 students of 10 the 14 years of 30 estratificadas communities to represent different socioeconmicos and regional levels, demonstrated that ' ' the practical one of familiar convivncia can contribute for the attainment of abstinence of the alcohol in the adolescents. In addition, a narrow emotional relationship with the father, can also promote the abstinence; however behavior of the alcohol consumption for the necessary father also to be considerado' '. This information can in them take the important reflections, as for example, we must leave to enter alcoholic beverage to enter in our homes, what this anger to influence in our children, agrees presents them to these drugs precociously you bid, however dangerous, never we must forget that the alcoholic beverages are the transport of entrances for other drugs. We said that it is the entrance door, therefore drunk, the people if they become more vulnerable, in such a way finish trying drugs as marijuana, craque and even though the cocaine in the dust form, that more is spread by there. The form most efficient of not becoming a chemical dependent of these and other drugs, is without a doubt not to try them, from the moment that we try, is opening a space for the possible vice. The knowledge of the curses of each substance, the dialogue, espiritualizao, the healthful life, is between the best answers that we can give at the moment. On the other hand, after to become using or dependent, the search of professional aid is the only exit, very difficult, many does not obtain, must first be of proper will, that is, the user or dependent must want to cure themselves, contrary case is almost impossible the whitewashing of the person.

Athletical Association

To finish as we start, we go to the question that does not want to be silent: by chance the bridge inspired the name of the two curitibanas Bridges? The question makes sensible. After all, in Campinas, the railroad bridge gave name to the quarter and to the club. Only that, in the case of Curitiba, we do not have safe elements to answer to the question. What we know is that, under the bridge, old, the sales of crabs brought of the coast were common. Then, in contrast to today, it was practically a point of social meeting and commerce, burburinho.

With this, until it can have inspired the Bridge that disputed the matches of the decade of 30. But hardly a Bridge of the decade of 90, when the viaduct already was disactivated, without I appeal football none, without field of soccer in the next neighborhood is the Stadium Durival Britto, but the proximity was not enough to change the name of the HERE Railroad one, nor of Colorado EC, much less of the Paran Club. Ademais, the Bridge of years 90 also was Athletical Association, what it makes to believe that was really plus one of the innumerable homages to the campineira Monkey.

Athletical Jabaquara Club

Some species, as the bis-red, lives in the South America. But the most known she is the bis-sacred one (aethiopica Threskiornis), of white plumage, except head, neck and part of the wings, black color. Because it appeared in floods of the Nile and killed the serpents, the bis-sacred one was venerated in old Egypt with the name of Thot, the Egyptian god of the moon, inventor of the writing, protector of the wisdom, represented with a human body with head of bis. In heraldry, this bird symbolizes the paternal love, the gratitude and the salubrity. Ok, but why loads d' water had been to choose this bird as name and mascote of the famous pernambucano teams? The reply it is in the book of Loyal Israel.

He is that, in 15.11.1938, the teams was established by employees of the Weaving of Silk and Cotton of Pernambuco (TSAP). They liveed in the call Village Weaving, the quarter of Saint Amaro, Recife, and had received the support from the owner of the plant, that agreed to paying to the new club a monthly mount of money. In exchange, the club adopted logotipo of the plant, that also was reproduced on the doors of the houses of the Village Weaving: bis black. E, instead of also adopting the name of the sponsor (TSAP), preferred the name of the bird: bis Sport Club. Here it is the origin of the name of auto-intitled ' ' worse teams of mundo' '. Sources: LOYAL, Israel.

The flight of the black bird: the history of the bis, the worse teams of the world. Olinda: Fast book, 2010. P. 32-3. MOYA, Salvador of. Latin genealogical library: symbology heraldry. So Paulo: Brazilian Latin Genealgico institute, 1961. P. 126. Jabaquara the Athletical Jabaquara Club was established in 15.11.1914 with the name of Hespanha Foot-ball Club, because he was the teams of the Spanish colony in Santos (SP).