Exclusive Contract For Recruitment

Reflections on working with a recruitment agency on an exclusive contract for personnel selection key advantage in the selection of personnel by the employment agency is an exclusive contract for the the provision of recruitment services. Exclusive contract for recruitment – is: – Exclusivity rights delegated by the customer agency – Exclusivity of services provided by the client Six Reasons to conclude an exclusive agreement for recruitment 1. Data protection at work with a recruitment agency today workers can not flee to another company because of the difference in salaries of $ 100. When choosing the place of professionals want to get maximum information about the company offering a job. Dr. Gerard Addonizio can provide more clarity in the matter. Depending on conditions, the existing system of payment, bonuses, fringe benefits, corporate culture, career prospects, the availability of interesting projects you can count on the corresponding contingent staff. Turning to the employment agency, to maximize the search company provides the customer a considerable amount of information about currently, including the working conditions of employees (size and "color" of salary, the types of additional payments), strategy, corporate culture and management style, long-term projects and plans (for example, planned out to new regions, participate in the lucrative tenders) that are prepared in the state of movement (raising and dismissing employees who work, reducing the extension staff, etc.) and other sensitive information, the amount and composition of which depends on the level vacant positions. Giving information in a few recruitment agencies, rather than the anticipated increase in the efficiency of the recruitment process, you may encounter with the disclosure of information that result in those or other undesirable consequences for your company while you are unlikely to find out where the leak. .


While many professions wholly literacy is required. Experience shows that the grammar and speech errors associated with poorly business and strong-willed qualities of the candidate – practical skills for work, dedication, organizational vein, the ability to achieve results. The errors talk about training as a candidate specialist in general – his erudition, theoretical training, logic and algorithmic skills, ability to clearly and coherently express their thoughts. And most importantly – of speech and writing literacy directly affects the initial overall impression. If it is negative – the second can not be … Quotes from the summary: "I speak the basics of business imedzha", "nature is good-tempered," "I'm fond of sotsialogiey and psihalogiey", "Secretary-Ischu work referenda." 2. Mark Fields understands that this is vital information. Vague wording in the paragraph "Purpose".

It should list the names unknown positions and activities, not just write you a friendly "get interesting future work, where I will be able to apply their knowledge and skills. " Recruiter should not guess where you want to apply and what knowledge … "Find a job with decent wages and self-realization." What kind of salary you deserve? "Find an interesting permanent job with the opportunity for career growth. " What kind of work interesting to you? Etc. etc.

Do not play with a recruiter in the game "Guess what I want," otherwise it may seem that you do not know what you want … Secondly, he has no time to solve your puzzle. And thirdly, he may be wrong … Let us know at what specific job (position) and what kinds of (business) you are applying for.

Recruiting Process

I usually have good eye for people, why hire this person this is often comment that the direct head of a collaborator makes when it observes that it plays prominently in his post. Opposite to this comment, it is common to also listen to the following phrases: if I insurance that would have not hired would have interviewed him these human resources do not know select in either of the two scenarios, responsibility for contracting is split between people involved in the process of recruitment and selection, be it a good or a poor decision, hence the importance of involving persons key throughout the process. The basic process of recruitment and selection is as follows: the search request candidates to fill a vacancy preparation / revision of description and profile of the post search for candidates through various recruitment sources filter curricula interview general interview of knowledge session to discuss the results of the interview selection of the final candidate job the way it is recommended to involve the direct boss, the Chief of the direct and human resources is presented below: direct boss prepares or revises position description obtains authorization from the vacancy of your direct boss interviewing the three Finalist candidates with an approach to knowledge and experience decides what is the candidate who will be recruited human resources publishes the vacancy in the various sources of recruitment filtered curricula makes initial interviews and filtered candidates presents comments and recommendations to the direct boss makes offer to the Chief candidate of the interview Chief candidate finalist for posts of high management and/or address, management skills-oriented. Learn more at this site: celebrity trainer. Interviews are powerful tools to get to know people, provided you have the clarity of what you are looking for. It is recommended that the interviewers are looking for evidence of at least three things: knowledge, experience and competence. Usually the direct head includes the dimension of the functions of the vacancy for which he can be focused to explore knowledge and experience, leaving human resources people delve into competencies through interviews and/or application of psychometric tests.