Max Weber

This work constitutes an analysis of the weberiana metodolgica theory, with special attention the way as Max Weber cheated to create a social science that searched the substratum subjective of the social phenomena, the call comprehensive sociology. The objective is to see as Weber faced the possibility of ' ' objetividade' ' joined to its project of comprehensive sociology. In this direction, it is treated to reconstitute the metodolgicos teachings of this author to think the possibility of a sociology ' ' objetiva' ' of the subjectivity. Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta is likely to increase your knowledge. What he is evidenced is that Weber obtained to create a science ' ' objetiva' ' inside of its conception of objetividade and inside of the general picture of its ontolgicas and epistemolgicas reflections. Abandoning, as it made, the totality idea, assimilating the vision of whom science aims at to search a knowledge partial of the reality, is possible yes a science ' ' objetiva' ' as it considered.

Prince Vladimir

It is because of fear of becoming a beast warriors wore hides of wolves and bears no other than wool inside. Rites of mystical conversion kept secret and transmitted only to his followers. Unfortunately, most of the pagan heritage of the Slavs has been lost, in particular, lost the names of numerous gods and appointment of most pagan rituals. In the animated film "Prince Vladimir" still quite truthfully shows the Slav pagan witches. But if the average person wanted to become a werewolf, and had no opportunity to do that, then that he went to the sorcerer. Warlock picking the desired object such as a knife, and imposed a conspiracy. Now with this subject appeared newly werewolf.

In order to become wolf proshamanenny need to stick a knife in an aspen stump and jump over him. Now to revert to the person, you must do the same steps, just jump in the opposite direction. It is important that this enchanted ingredient no one has found and dragged until the person is a werewolf. In such a case would have to be a beast, as long as the subject will not find. In addition, if you believe the myth, become a beast is possible without the participation of sorcerers. To this end, there was a lot of ways, from the most simple and a little funny (to drink water from the wolf's trail and then lie on the grass) to the sinful (the full moon to kill the baby and then drink it blood).

Not seldom caught werewolves trying to return to the light people. But when to do it was impossible to kill a werewolf. But before to "clean heart" in different ways with the werewolf tried to remove the remnants of humanity, and subsequently the werewolf was considered a simple beast, so do not kill people. However, in the legends of conventional wisdom that the werewolf was not safe and even after death, because he could be a vampire. In connection with the so before you dig, killed werewolves cut tendons in his legs, and put into the mouth of a silver coin. In some cases, moreover tightly bound feet and mouth, and then scored an aspen stake into the heart.

Borrow Life Support

If you or your family member was diagnosed with cancer. What should I do? How to psychologically support the patient? How to support yourself? Internet and other sources, the media abound with descriptions of process steps, etc. but I could not say what actions really must be applied with the support of the patient. What triggers an oncology? Abnormal, cancerous, atypical cells are formed throughout life from the moment birth till death. But in the normal state of the organism to detect and remove. That is, if you have not worked triggers, the person can live up to ninety and one hundred years. Most often, the oncological patient – a person suddenly lost the meaningful relationships that are important for a value.

For example, if all life were at work, then the loss of the work itself can lead to cancer. If the meaning of life in children or loved ones, their growing up and departure from the paternal home, not to mention the untimely, tragic end way these people can also lead to what the human body, left alone with their grief, surrenders. This line is almost "Conscious" of care in illness. The second way in oncological department more veiled: a subconscious rejection of disturbing factors. For example, the wife of an unloved husband, unsatisfied in bed, is to blame for the fact that it "Not so", the desire to please grumpy mother-in and, after crying with guilt over the bad feelings toward his mother of her husband.

Harmony for Health

Also present in the party, the Erixmaco doctor believes that to love he is to search the harmony. For Erixmaco he loves who tries to balance itself in the other, importing if the loved person he is not of the opposing sex or not. All the relations would be legitimate, because in both the cases you search its face-half. The speech of Erixmaco is related with the way of as the homossexualismo was seen in old Greece. In the greco-roman mitolgicas narratives it did not have man or woman, and yes Andrgeno, that in the complete human being, of an only nature.

The Andrgeno, as well as the man contemporary, also had the will of being god, and this fact annoyed deuses, that they had decided to separate to the Andrgeno in man and woman; beings that for intermediary of the love could again be joined. Mentioning the vision to it of the society in relation to the homossexualismo, the philosopher affirms that ' ' each one wants to complete itself searching its face-half and, with the time, in this anxiety of complementation, the opposite did not need more being, could be ties the same of sexo' '. The apex of the slap-up meal happens when Scrates makes use of the myth of Diotima de Mantinia, in which the love is son of PORES (that it would be the abundance) with PENIA (the poverty). Of this form the love in itself is not perfect, opposing the thought of that it would be the feeling most sublime. In the philosophy, the love is a compound of perfection and imperfection. Who loves search the other to become perfect, exactly knowing that never he will be perfect. The day where he will be perfect falls in the nonsense, falls in the ownership, that is not more the love and yes the passion. Of this form the true love is not the flesh time, but yes the interminable search for the face-half.