Weight Loss

There are athletes or active people, who practice a sport regularly, want to lose weight, improve your performance and can not.Here the risk is to lose weight losing muscle mass, which is not suitable.It is lose weight losing fat and keeping or gaining muscle mass.In that sense (and also applies for people with moderate physical activity), lose weight quickly brings these disorders muscle weight loss.This is a serious problem for some athletes.In addition this muscle weight loss is accompanied by a reduction of the caloric expenditure of the body at rest.Why, when they abandon the diet back to gain weight quickly, but which increases is here only fat and this completes the negative cycle of diets with low calories for athletes, or people who regularly practice a sport.The diet of an athlete should be balanced, appropriate to their physical activity.These tips can be you very useful to solve the problem: you have to lose weight not more de1/2 Kg to 1 Kg per week. Distributes the meals 4 to 6 times a day in small portions. It limits the consumption of foods whose labels, indicate high amount of calories.Read labels! Drink plenty of water do not fill your plato.Come calmly and slowly to lose weight but continue to incorporate the nutrients you need, include in your balanced diet: milk skim, fish, chicken without piel(mejor si es de granja u organico), defatted lean meat, egg. Green and yellow vegetables. Citrus fruits and fresh fruits Integral bread, cereals, rice, pulses, pasta with tomato sauce light, fat-free. It increases calorie expenditure if you want to lose weight, doing activities of aerobismo, fixed bike, rowing, etc. For more information, visit our web site, there you can get many tips and download free E-Book of balanced diets to lose weight and stay in shape, with their daily menus.