Chinese Massage

Massage is one of the oldest methods used in Chinese medicine for the treatment of various diseases. As an independent method of treatment, he became known to the reign of China's Tang Dynasty (618-907). Chinese Scientists have found that massage helps to improve the natural functions of the body. For example, using it may increase or decrease the number of leukocytes, significantly strengthen the immune system by increasing amount of antibodies in the body, balance the muscle content of chemical substances from the body toxins and more. As in any other direction of oriental medicine, the basic rule of Chinese massage is the treatment not the disease, and patient. Its basis is to adjust the energy status of the human body and its complete adaptation to the environment external energy.

During the massage of certain points is therapeutic effect, with the addition of mechanical action on the acupuncture points are produced and biopower. Chinese Massage Tui-Na is used in a variety of ailments. Headaches effectively use acupressure neck and head, internal organs are treated by acupressure foot and leg massage will help in diseases of the veins and locomotor system. Just one type of Chinese massage is a massage using gouache, which is an instrumental impact on different fields of skin receptors. Scraping method gouache different parts of the skin sends a damaged organs and tissues of the most powerful energy impulses to help restore their function. In the appointment procedures of massage is very great attention is paid to the general state of the patient. ion regarding this issue. First of all, assess the state of the spine revealed pathological skin areas and areas with high muscle tension.

Then gently stroking produced a complete relaxation of the patient's body, which is very easy procedure for diagnosis, the results of which will be assigned to individual treatment course. Regardless of which method of treatment is chosen, there are several basic techniques of Chinese massage, which includes kneading, rubbing, stroking and vibration. All procedures conducted under sterile conditions, using various oils and other components needed for a particular treatment. The duration of treatment – 10 – 30 min. It all depends on the area massaged body parts. Often massage combined with additional procedures. Usually a course of Chinese massage consists of 6-12 procedures, repeated every 2 or 3 days. At the beginning of massage treatments can be a bit painful, particularly at high muscle tension. Feeling the pain, you must inform masseur. To achieve total relaxation during the massage procedure is recommended not to eat or drink for 2 hours before the session, as well as empty intestine. Chinese massage is directed not only to cure diseases, but also an excellent tonic and health by supporting the livelihoods of the body. This is an excellent remedy for insomnia, will help to significantly improve endurance and work capacity of the organism. It is often used even for treatment of children. Literate systematic massage helps to improve memory and attention. It must be remembered that for Chinese massage, like any other, there are contraindications. These include allergic and skin diseases, fractures, skin trauma, pregnancy, and infectious processes in the body.