Mango. Juicy, Sweet, Aromatic …

4000 years ago consumed in India and Indonesia. Until now, Indians are treated with special reverence to this tasty fruit, bringing them in sacrifice to their gods. It is now in our country do not fancy the mango in the big cities it can be buy at any time of year. Mango fruit is very tender, so tear them from the tree and export firm, until they are ripe. Brown spots on the tender flesh – the result of exposure to cold, and small or medium-sized black spots on skin suggests that the fetus has reached full maturity.

Color of skin does not matter, it may be green, yellow or red. If you want to pick ripe fruit, lightly press a finger on his smooth skin. If she is amenable, and fruit exudes a delicious sweet flavor, you can not go wrong. Final maturity of mangoes can be achieved by artificial means, it is enough to put it in one package with kiwi and banana. Mango is available in canned, dried and pickled form. They are often used to soften the meat.

In the recipe for these sauces as agreed, salsa, chutneys included this fruit. Mango a good remedy for stress. Soothes the intestines, a beneficial effect on heart and brain. It contained vitamin C strengthens the immune system, protects against inflammation of mucous membranes. One fruit contains about 0.8 mg of vitamin A, which completely covers the daily need it the human body. Proved by the regular consumption of these fruits in food improves immunity and protects against infections catarrhal nature. Vitamin A is contained in the ripe fruit in large quantities has beneficial effects on the eyes. The fruits are also used for weight loss because they contain a lot of vitamins and carbohydrates – the so-called mango-milk diet.