Athletical Association

The judge interrupted the departure, titular players and reserves, beyond the massagistas, all ran behind. Later, to change a little, they had started to free a duck, that gave to flights consagradores in High Cross stadiums, Iju, Pellets, Are Leopoldo, Step Fundo and Porto Alegre, where normally he was well received. Very creative, the twisted one wanted more newness. Then, certain time, had planned to launch the duck of an airplane. Of parachute.

They had made until a band would follow that it in this historical landing: ‘ ‘ congratulations, duck paraquedista’ ‘. That the Aeronautics did not only authorize the mirabolante plan and it was untied to the traditional way exactly. Source: CERETTA, Lino. Sport Guarany Club: a history of 94 years. High cross: ed. of the author, 2007. P. 127-8.

Broken cool fish of amateur soccer, between the River Cricket and Associao Atltica (RCAA) and the Flamenguinho de Cantagalo, in the headquarters of the RCAA, Niteri. In determined moment, during an attack of the RCAA, the lateral-left of the visiting teams it cried out: ‘ ‘ A fish in my head fell! ‘ ‘ The zagueiro-central office asked if he was a fish-flyer: not, it was a simple sardine. But as, if the field is to one two kilometers of waters of the bay of the Guanabara? The players had looked at for the sky and turn a gull or mergulho sobrevoando the place, as that thinking about recouping the canine tooth that left to fall. In they go, because the sardine duly was tempered, fries and devorada for the awardees players.