It Goes There And It Makes!

Despite the life seems unjust there and it does not have much favour at this difficult moment, she is necessary to raise the flag of the dreams and the desires. They are individual or collective. She is necessary not to give up the good things, however not if it can neglect the falls, the dark rooms, the cantos of the life that people finish if playing time or another one. The hope can yes be a fuel, but based in real facts, not mere for alienation or to carry people to another place without the problems. To run away from them will not decide nothing, to ignore also will not change them the life, then, the question must be seen with eyes directed toward a deep reflection and a gradual agreement of ' ' porqus' ' that they surround to all. If she will be necessary to increase the volume, to speed up the rhythm, to make racket so that all hear what you want, do not think very not, go there and make! The shame is in not trying, or having fear to lose, but the biggest defeat is in not giving the first step to help, to advise, stops to extend the hand for first, to ask for excuse when (even though) both are missed At last, the biggest defeat is when you lose beating of a heart and feel that she could have more done. It does not give plus this taste bitter taste for the life and to you yourselves, to see the life to cause suffering transforming your face and your soul into a waterfall of tears Therefore, it goes there and it makes! Text written for Johney Laudelino Da Silva in 26/11/2011. Complemented for the video of music Every Teardrop is the Waterfall Coldplay .

The Edge

The diameter of the new spring should be slightly less than the broken switch .- Assemble in reverse order .- Check that the new spring: it should return to its original position at the closed valve heads and fall head vody.Ten from the push-button pereklyuchatelyPrichina – damaged gland. Remedy – Replace the rubber seal rings: – Close the valve head mixer .- Remove the spout and flexible Remove the hose .- button 4 with the rod 6. To do this, hold the end of the rod with pliers so it does not rotate. Better do it through a cloth so as not to damage the coating rod .- Using a metal rod to remove Remove the adapter .- valve 7 with the rod .- Remove the damaged O-ring seal-3 and put in its place a new switch .- gather in a reverse fault poryadke.Osnovnye mixer with two gated golovkamiObilnaya shadow from under mahovikPrichina fault: the stem of the pin fell out. Remedy – insert the pin in place – access to water shut-off valve to the head – clear flywheel housing with the valve head, as in the case of replacement – seals – with your fingers or pliers, gently pull the rod out of the case for tetrahedral end – insert the rod into the hole the pin using tweezers (or, if you can, with your fingers). Pin must be tight to enter the stem. If he "hangs out" in the hole the rod, then wrap the inserted end of the pin a little flow of water through penki.Postoyannoe spout smesitelyPervym business determine the temperature of the flowing water, if it is warm, the valve is faulty hot water if – the cold, the valve cold vody.Prichiny fault: 1) the uneven edge of the saddle valve seat can golovki.Sostoyanie check visually (with sufficient light) or with a screwdriver, having its end at the edge of the saddle. .

Health Care and Environmental Protection

ARTICLE 49. The health care and environmental protection are public services by the State. It guarantees everyone the access to promotion, protection and recovery of health. The State organize, direct and regulate the provision of health services to residents and environmental sanitation in accordance with the principles of efficiency, universality and solidarity. Also, establish policies for the provision of health services by private entities, and exercise supervision and control.

Also, establishing the powers of the nation, territorial entities and individuals, and determine the contributions to his office on the terms and conditions outlined in the law. Health services are organized in a decentralized manner, by level of care and community participation. The law shall specify the terms under which basic health care for all residents is free and compulsory. Everyone has a duty to seek comprehensive care of your health and your community. ARTICLE 50. Any child under one year is not covered by any protection or social security, shall be entitled to free care in all health institutions receiving state contributions.

The law will regulate the matter. ARTICLE 51. All Colombians are entitled to decent housing. The State will set the conditions for realizing this right and will promote social interest housing, appropriate systems of long-term funding and associative forms of implementation of these housing programs. ARTICLE 52. The practice of sport, its manifestations recreational, competitive and have the function of native integral formation of individuals, preserve and develop better health in humans. Sport and recreation are part of education and social spending up.