Erickson Kitchen

In this situation, reframing was used to expand the scope of the perception of the child's situation, but the technique can be used to help a parent myself to look at the problem situation outside the box. Example. Please visit Gunnar Peterson if you seek more information. I stand at the stove, cook a little longer soup. And now for 5-7 minutes to complete this grand process, my son enters the kitchen. For even more analysis, hear from Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta. He wants to play with me and he is not there nothing to do with a full pot of boiling water and other dangers inherent in the kitchen. The first thing I want to do – is to explain to him that is dangerous to be here and it would be nice if it waited for me for 10 minutes in the room.

But then blesses me. I want my baby is not approaching plate. But this result can be achieved by setting himself a different task: "Make it so that the child wanted to be outside the kitchen!" Just born a few options, which in turn is realized: for that it was interesting to run away, I suggest playing catch-up, it's interesting to sit quietly in the furthest room from the kitchen – hide and seek that he was passionate about the game, in which initially there is a need for solitude – the game "Put your things." All three proposals son gladly accept. Sometimes parents are very pushy, authoritarian imposition of the requirement in question to the child. This directiveness often provokes stubborn child that helps him somehow feel their independence. Sometimes children refuse to do anything just because of stubbornness. In these cases effectively use the techniques of soft impact.

These techniques involve there is a wide choice of mood and lack of policy on the part of parents. For example, when I taught a child to the pot, I ran into stubbornness. Even if he wanted to use the toilet, it was worth taking him up to be attributed to the pot, he began to squirm and go on strike. So he defended his right to freedom of choice. Nothing to do but it is right to give. I used the method of Erickson impact "Imaginary choice." As soon as I felt it's time I came to her son and said: "Jaroslaw, you want to pee: a toilet, a bath or a pot?" He said some of the options for him more desirable. The trick is that in such an utterance on the installation desire has been laid and there are several alternatives, one of which selects a child himself. This is just a few steps. In the arsenal of mass psychology. Psychologists themselves are willing to share them, but they are often hinders the principle of "Do not knocking on closed doors. " Much depends on the willingness of parents to obtain information, to move towards a more competent and informed parenting. Mastering the practice of constructive ban will help parents enhance their behavioral flexibility to find more creative, less pressure on the child's trust and give him more freedom. Such prohibitions or restrictions will not only develop the child's sense of responsibility for their own choices, but also contribute to the development of his personality as a whole.

Right Issues

Take the right decisions for ourselves. Balance between work and family work should indeed be visible love for your family. Work and balance are both principles and should be strengthened to bring maximum efficiency both areas. Involve family and children to build a bridge between work and home. Here's how to do it: Share your vision of what you are doing and why you do it with children. Teach your kids to work hard in school and at home. Tai chi contains valuable tech resources. Teach children to love the work of his love for the work.

Take their children to work, so they can see how it helps the family. Participate in career days held at the school. Share the positive examples in the work with his family. Tell the house of the examples of those works perfectly. Know what your family members are busy, and keep in touch with them through letters or e-mail.

Involve your family in your projects at work. Question semiV issues relationships minor issues are really serious issues. Caring and responsibility through small actions, such as the constant ability to listen, respect others space and expression of gratitude, makes quality of family life are totally different. Many people believe a family of one of the most important things in my life, but they are not satisfied with the quantity or quality of time they invest in his family. Just as with the work, how you perceive their family, determines what you do with your family and what results you get.

Exercises For Children

I write about very simple exercises. Not all and not always so simple. With young children I have been with someone a parent. They help support the child (with the hips, hands, feet, etc.) when different banners. Often kids do not like it, they want to jump and sometimes cry – not from pain, but simply from a sense of contradiction. Older (from 7 years old) is much better to do without their parents. What exercises can recommend? To describe them – thankless task, it is better to see drives and choose what your child can do. Start with the easiest, preferring sessions on the floor. Be sure to include stretching the shoulder and legs. As in our body are interconnected, it is that time in the pelvic region greatly affects the location of the head, thus disrupting normal blood flow. This can lead to hyperactivity or vice versa – apathy, poor concentration, tiredness. Increasingly, children from an early age are diagnosed with "flat", but in most cases it is simply wrong worthwhile stop. Expanding the knees, we can easily remove this "defect" (Refer to the disk "Basics"). The hardest part – is to accustom the child to monitor properly, but some parents say that at various medical examinations child remembers, rises, as expected, and the doctor claims to bearing no. Thus, much depends on our control and example. Children are increasingly common disease in early childhood. Some say that before many simply do not diagnose, but everyone knows that the disease "Rejuvenated" and the parents are getting "older." Reflect on our – the adult – a role in this process. Many parents, mostly moms go online at the so-called "forum". Active interest, exchange information, call the diagnoses of children and and nothing more do not. Or rather, do: drive to the places where they do not help. Do not look for "healers". Try to actually look at the long-studied questions of modern medicine. Not carried away by promises of Pharmacology and dietary supplements. The more "useful" addition to the nutritional status of children – the less the body will absorb them from natural products and the greater the chance of developing allergies, skin diseases, etc. I argue that writing an article for the city. I am arguing that even in a small village selling chewing gum, Pepsi, Chupa Chups, etc Think about the health of their children, even if you have "given up" on his own. Svetlana Astashkevich

Healthy Home

Now think of the perfect home for your soul. What walls will suit this house? They are made of brick, wood, stone, glass, and they are thick, thin, open to nature? What color are they? What is their structure? What doors in this house? Now walk around the room of the house for your soul. You go around the room by room. Imagine windows, doors, stairs, upholstery and lighting, as well – sounds, smells, color and texture. Move things from place to place and continue to do so as long as the home for all-necks of the soul does not take clear and precise outline, up until it becomes a perfect haven for your soul. Once you complete this exercise, take some time to remember what you felt, and try to write it.

Let your record be as accurate as possible. In the following days you can continue and complete your list. This list will later be very useful and will help you come up with the design of your present home to include some details of the house for his soul. Doing this exercise, you will probably find the differences Meanwhile, the house where you live actually, and the house that your soul finds perfect. Your ideal home for the soul may find these aspects, which would be difficult to implement in your present home.

For example, an ideal home for your soul can be at the beach, but you are tied to life on the land where you live in the moment. This is not an impossible condition, because the soul inhabits the world of spirit, which is part of your consciousness, and subservient to the influence of characters. Complementing your living environment objects possessing symbolic meaning for your soul, you can feed her by using magic. Find ways in which You can use the symbolism of objects and sensations experienced by your soul, to create a home for his soul in the context of the life that you live in the moment and in that house, which now serves your home. Your house is not like any other place on earth. It is peculiar, he is unique, but because of your love, intuition and care it can become an ideal haven for your soul.


The average double room in Prague at the level of three stars with breakfast internet and parking costs 55-75 euros per day. During the New Year holidays cost the same numbers in Prague is about 100-110 euros. In Prague, a few companies working on the provision of taxi services. A taxi to travel to Prague is very convenient and not expensive, Prague city where there are traffic jams that do not interfere with the movement of personnel and urban transport. The system of one-way traffic on many streets of Prague and regulated regime of the main thoroughfares in the city to quickly get to the goal. Traffic lights in Prague, working in auto mode, the human factor can not affect the system of traffic.

Almost all the streets in Prague are equipped with security cameras for traffic with automatic measurement of the speed of cars. For this reason, if your plans to stay in Prague on New Year’s holidays include car rental or do you plan to visit the Czech Republic by car, be extremely careful and not break the speed limit in town, he is 50 km.h on autobahn Czech rate not higher than 130 km.h and provincial roads are not more than 90 On November 2010 the cost of gasoline in the Czech Republic is 33 czk per liter (1.35 euros) and the cost of diesel fuel is determined by 30 czk per liter (1.22 euros). Virtually all organizations, and stores the Czech Republic closed for the Christmas holidays, which the Czech Republic notes 24,25,26 December and January 1,2.