Personal Trainers

Remembering that orientation is not to prescribe one diet, the orientation must be carried through preferential by a Personal to trainer that it has a specialization in esportiva nutrition. The alimentary lapsing must be carried through by a professional nutritionist. A personal accompaniment with professionals to trainer and nutritionist is the correct, safe and efficient way to reach the success. TABLE 3 Application of the Questionnaire on Promptitude for Atividade Fsica (PAR-Q). The physical evaluation must all precede and any type of program of physical exercises.

It is of basic importance and it does not exist program of physical exercises serious, without this initial part. It is essential, not only so that possible problems of health of general order are verified, as well as, to verify the evolution of the individual in the after-test. In the current research we find 89% apply and 11% do not apply questionnaire PAR-Q. The PAR-Q is the Questionnaire of Promptitude for Physical Activity. This questionnaire is guaranteed by several scientific institutions between them the American College of Medicina Desportiva (ACMS) and for the Brazilian Society of Cardiologia (SBC). It is an attempt to diagnosis possible problems that hinder the evaluated one to practise physical activities of low and average intensity.

In accordance with the theory of this questionnaire, if only one of the questions will be answered with one YES is recommended that the evaluated one makes one medical consultation before the beginning of the esportiva activity Moura (2008). TABLE 4 Possui formation in superior course physical education. TABLE 5 Possui Course of broad After-Graduation Specialization sensu. TABLE 6 Possui Course of After-Graduation Specialization stricto sensu. Robinsen (2006) that to be a personal trainer, it is not enough to have only the graduation, but also a specialization to prescribe the treinos. The National Strength and Conditioning Association (2002) suggests that personal trainers must have licensing requirements, as the degree of bachelor in science of exercise and of certification for an organism whose criteria are extensive and widely accepted, before being authorized to exert its craft.