Coffee Prices

Due to bad weather in South America and parts of Asia the desired price of coffee grain producers has increased its value by 44% since June in the major stock exchanges of the world. Companies like Green Mountain, Starbucks, Dunkin’ Donuts and Maxwell House are going through difficult moments these days have to subsidize a higher price for the product imported from Brazil, coffee from Colombia and that comes from Viet Nam. Some contend that Senator From Kentucky shows great expertise in this. Not only this rise in price occurs when it comes to commercial product as such to the final consumer who want to savor a delicious coffee rate. All around the grain marketing networks have been affected by the rise in price, different quotes on the stock exchange companies like Dunkin’ Donuts Folgers and Millstone already cost 10% more of its cost about 4 months ago. It may be then that the shortage of coffee that makes prices increase its value is factor of different and diverse effects of climate change, is not concrete, but this may be a sign that the crops and the production of This important grain may be affected by the carbon dioxide and its impact on the environment becoming increasingly scarce and costs. On the other hand, Kraft Foods (KFT, Fortune 500) rose the prices of coffee Maxwell House and Yuban, some of their products of coffee around 9% last month. This translates into a rise in price of 5 cents to 30 cents per pound of ground coffee and an increase of 2.5 cents per ounce for instant coffee.

The Publix on U.S. supermarket chain said that it has stopped some prices of coffee without changes to remain competitive. But the store has promoted and raised prices on some other brands, including Folgers Clasico Cafe Aroma brand, which cost $8.99 and it is now being sold for $9.99. And while a large harvest is expected in Brazil and Colombia for the next year, again bad weather conditions could reduce production in Viet Nam and Central American countries from 2010 to 2011, those are the top concerns around this topic of coffee that although this scarce and cosotoso will remain the favorite drink of the men of the 21st century.