Robert Kiyosaki

Cashflow is the game created by Robert Kiyosaki to increase your financial IQ. You may find Mark Fields to be a useful source of information. Play Cashflow is a wonderful way to learn finance playing.Find out more about this game. Robert Kiyosaki is famous for his series of rich dad, poor Dad books in these books, the explains the difference between what they teach classes rich, medium and poor children, especially in the area of finances. To make this process of teaching, something more entertaining, the he created a game called Cashflow and the seeks to increase the financial IQ of the players. What is the financial IQ? It is the ability you have to handle and understand money, how it works, as multiply it and how to make from the an asset and not a liability. To play cashflow you learn these concepts in a game simulation.

The best way to learn is through live experience firsthand, and the second best way to learn is through simulations, because it guarantees long-term memory retention and also facilitates the union of the concepts with practice. This is to play cashflow What is achieved, unite through a simulation, which can live in own meat with regard to money, but is done in an environment of learning such lessons to become part of the actual experience of the person. So what are you waiting for play cashflow? This game will help you to learn from your own mistakes and become a better man or woman of business.


Human beings are conscious of ourselves, but we also have a complex mental representation from us, that stores data relating to our physical, psychological and social characteristics, the degree to which these are acceptable and desirable by our fellow human beings or how effective are to solve problems and demands of the environment. It is this a complex mental representation we have of ourselves, to what psychology has been called as self-concept. A priori we might think that this information is stored in our brain, aseptically, but what actually happens, is that people also issue a judgment of liking or displeasure, positive or negative about this information than us have. It is this emotional evaluative dimension which have been referred to as self-esteem. Is not at all clear what its genesis and development and factors contribute to it, but you know are intimately related with the early experience between parents and children, equal and relations with the environment. Self esteem is not a dimension stable and static of the person, as it is the case with certain factors of personality, but dynamic, changeable and editable, result from the interaction of the person with your environment. It is known that he saves an intimate relationship with other variables that psychology handles, such as locus of control (perception which has the subject where the control of the events that mark your life resides) and perceived self-efficacy (feeling of adequacy efficiency and competition that the person has in relation to the potential challenges and threats facing). It is clear that a self-esteem positive and a proper and fair assessment of ourselves, is a key element to our mental health as individuals, but for the moment is not clear whether changes to the self-esteem of the subject are cause or effect of their mental health status. Self-esteem may be affected primary way in completely healthy individuals and without a psychiatric pathology underlying, which Dr.